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Charters’ Competition Ups Everyone’s Game

Lo & behold, we learn that charter schools Joe & Kamala hate are helping public school kids as well as their own charges up their scholastic game? It’s called “competition.”


The irony in charter schools influencing public school students to perform better was almost buried in the WSJ piece titled, “Biden & Harris Work to Crush School Competition.” In that op ed, columnist Jason Riley observed, “He’s [Biden] more opposed to charter schools than any previous president, and she’d [Harris] likely be as bad.” How bad? Well, earlier this year Biden & sidekick tried to cut charter school funding in a program started by (drum role) President Clinton & expanded under President Obama. Mr. Riley’s piece goes on to detail how most low-income & ethnic minorities rave about the quality of charter schools & the choice given them, as well as a seminal study released last year by Stanford U confirming that charter school students on average outperform their peers in traditional public schools.


But, perhaps the biggest kicker, is that “A growing body of research also demonstrates that school choice helps even those students who don’t exercise it.” According to a Thomas B. Fordham Institute analysis cited by Riley, “The research on charters’ academic spillovers is positive overall, with at least a dozen studies finding that the arrival of new charter schools increases the achievement of students who remain in traditional public schools.” That’s apparently because parental ability to threaten to leave their assigned schools if improvements aren’t made often results in a given school district upping its game. Also linked to this increased competition has been improved student behavior & attendance, even if the academic performance is not enhanced so much. Of course, the biggest teacher’s union doesn’t agree with these charter achievements and Kamala Harris is their biggest supporter & vice versa so …


Davd Soul


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