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Chicago Blacks Driven 2 Disappear Nov 8?

WSJ says Black Chicagoans hit by crime “consider skipping mid-term elections” BUT will they keep insisting “one of these days” DNC is ticket out of the hell created under DNC’s decades-long watch there and elsewhere?

As the newspaper notes, “Republicans see disillusioned voters as path to upset in Illinois governor’s race.” Yet, when and where have we heard that one before? A rightly cautious WSJ adds: “… though many Democrats remain reluctant to switch parties.” Hell, from living & working in Sweet Home Chicago for over 30 years, I can assure it’s nearly impossible to get ANYONE there to think INDEPENDENTLY let alone “switch parties.” There’s a reason why, no matter how sh**** housing, crime, taxes have gotten in this otherwise gorgeous international city, 90+ percent insist upon pulling the Democratic lever when they get into the poll booth.

Does GOP hope spring eternal? Hint: Rather than stay deluded and think Dem Blacks in the Toddlin’ Town could ever call themselves “Republicans” (even though THAT WAS Abe Lincoln’s party), they have been known to stay home on election day in droves, i.e., when they want to send a signal to their DNC masters … not that it ever does any good between then and the next election.

Davd Soul


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