Chicago’s Streetwise Survivalists’ Manual
Before “broken windows” was THE law enforcement wisdom there was “Streetwise” helping South Side of Chicago folks navigate high crime areas. The gist: ALWAYS be mindful of your surroundings & potential ambushes being laid by punks who are preparing to dupe or sucker punch you.
I am THE STREETWISE GOAT SURVIVOR. Here’s my case for saying so, after learning my lesson the hard way: Working my way through college during the height of the Viet Nam War era was an absolute must. My meal ticket, I thought, was a good paying job driving a grocery delivery truck in the heart of the worst gang neighborhoods on Chicago’s Southside. The problem: The driver I’d replace on the only “route” available was robbed at gun point 10 times in10 months. He was such a nervous wreck he couldn’t get a spoonful of chicken soup to his mouth. My supervisor accompanied me on my first day on the job & the big grocery store was being robbed by a gang – the store manager had a gun held in his mouth while the safe was emptied; meanwhile, our parked truck took a shot gun blast in the butt. (I exaggerate only slightly.)
The solution: A wise supervisor laid down the law of survival. Never show you carry any cash. Mix up your arrival times. And never ever ever park in an alley. Of course, the second day on the job I parked in an alley. As I was unloading the truck to complete the delivery, a teen creeped up behind me with a tire iron. As he was about to club me, my peripheral vision told me someone was now behind me. Instinctively, I whirled around & grabbed for whoever, only I missed whoever and got hold of his tire iron. He looked at me with tire iron. I looked at him with terrorized look. He took off. I closed the door and never, ever ever violated by super’s advice. I’m here to tell the Streetwise story.
Davd Soul