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Child Tantrums & Mob Rule Maturing?

WSJ rebukes “America’s New Mob Rule” & how left “foments disorder” now to “get its way,” even targeting the 2024 DNC Convention in Chicago ala 1968. Op ed suggests rightist rads also guilty of tantrum politics. But when? Oh, that Jan 6 riot.


Clearly, the pro-Trump “Storm on Capitol Hill” played out like a page taken out of the Jacobin play book that ended badly for King Louis, if not Nancy Pelosi. Yet, one might get the impression from this editorial that radicals on the right have also been systematically closing regional bridges to rush hour traffic, shutting down many of the nation’s most pandering college campuses & rampaging in our cities’ downtown districts to further their ideal “social justice.”


It may not be giving the radicals on the right much credit, but is it fair to say that, for the most part, they seem content with “fomenting disorder” in a more targeted & “one-off” fashion? But, let’s also give the WSJ editors credit for similarly putting today's left vs right extremists’ tactics in proper perspective as they begin at the beginning: “The anti-Israel – and often antisemitic – protests sweeping college campuses these days are an old story with a new cause. That story is the increasing resort by America’s political left to protests in the streets as a form of intimidation and rule by the mob. When Americans on the political right do this, it’s called a threat to democracy.” It’s also called “childish,” regardless.


Davd Soul


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