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China Kicking USA Mush Heads’ Butts

Tucker says “The great global reshuffling” is going on without most Americans” noticing thanks to climate mandating by snookered US pols & MSM’s “see no evil” coverage of China’s ignored power grab EVERYWHERE.

The Fox anchor starts with the most obvious & recent: “Earlier this month, [Muslim] Iran & Saudi Arabia … announced that after generations of proxy wars & snarling hostility to one another, they will be resuming diplomatic relations” because Communist China, not the US State dept, brokered the deal. Think, Tucker marvels, “The world’s largest atheist state has halted religious conflict between two theocracies,” while a half-asleep America winks & nods. Just days later, Tucker notes, China also announced a big oil & natural gas trade deal with Russia, as well as some small print that says Chinese currency (not US dollars) will be used in future trade deals with Asia, Africa & Latin America.

“Holy smokes,” Tucker concluded as he read Xi’s promise that “change is coming.” Translated: American power under Biden is disappearing faster than a hot dish of MSG-laced Chicken Cashew. Yet, “amazingly, no one in this country seemed to notice,” Tucker noted, esp that China is on an all-out media assault to convince the US IT (not THEY) have to go bankrupt in a “save the planet climate” campaign IT (not THEY) are cashing in on with all the other polluting nations of the world. Mused Tucker: “Instead … over at the WH our senile president just gave some medal to a sitcom actress, presumably for her bravery … CNN is covering [it] like it’s the moonwalk. On Twitter, meanwhile, people seem excited our VP sent a letter to a transvestite TikTok star called Cylan Mulvany, who’s famous for dressing like a 6-yr-old. That’s the kind of news we’re getting.” And, that’s the kind of results we’ll keep getting as long as America’s malaise is led by mush heads.

Davd Soul


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