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China’s Shameful Coal Power Boom

Nothing highlights the radical environmentalists’ foolhardy rush into transitioning our economy to alt-energy than “China’s Coal Power Boom” which will likely more than offset any emissions savings US achieves …

As the WSJ’s editorial board points out: “Beijing is building more coal-fired capacity than the rest of the world combined, US climate lectures notwithstanding … An unspoken truth of the climate-change crusade is this: Anything the US does to reduce emissions won’t matter much to global temperatures. US cuts will be swamped by the increases in India, Africa and especially China. Look no further than China’s boom in new coal-fired electricity.”

As clear as the nose we keep biting on our own noses, China thinks America is gullible. Gullible for letting it into favored nation aka Dip in the US Pocket status. Gullible for letting the PRC’s hackers and plain old businessmen steal our IP for years on end. Gullible for letting China monopolize the world’s rare earth minerals and pharma, even to the point of flooding our country with Opioids that have killed tens of thousands of Americans. Shame on somebody?

Davd Soul


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