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Christmas Dinner At Grinch Fauci’s A Shot In Bum?

Dr. Fauci told ABC folks should ask their Christmas dinner guests at the door if they are vaccinated; if not, tell 'em next year ... maybe. Note, the COVID Grinch won’t be at Sunday’s WFT game vs Dallas asking 70K mask-less for V-cards cause he knows he’d be ignored if not told to kiss a**.

It’s not that President Biden’s COVID point man doesn’t have a point in saying the obvious, that “infections, hospitalizations & [maybe even] deaths” are still rising in places. Yet, he’s been advising draconian pandemic counter measures for nearly two years now and 2021 already saw MORE COVID death under his watch than 2020. It’s not enough to insist “people haven’t been listening to me enough” because the nation’s cooperation as far as it’s went is pretty unprecedented in history. In short, the longer the pandemic drags on, the more he’s being tuned out because folks have realized Trump was right, i.e., that COVID can’t be completely “stamped out” as Joe promised and life for the average Joe or Jane can’t be micro-managed as it is in Fauci’s CDC bubble ... or Joe’s bunker. Imagine telling Aunt Lorraine to show her vaccination card to get a seat at your turkey table or go home. Ain’t gonna happen.

Moreover, the persuasiveness of Fauci’s blatant scare tactics & subtle “moving of the goal posts” based on evolving “science” used two years ago are likewise mutating like the COVID virus itself, weakening over time, until we can live with it and Fauci’s dictates.

Davd Soul


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