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Civility Finally Comes To House Divided?

Karl Rove writes “Speaker McCarthy Puts the House Back in Order” by including the Dems’ minority leader in key decisions & events? What an amazing concept: Re-introducing CIVILITY in Congress!

No kidding, says Rove, “behind the scenes, [McCarthy] has done a lot to get the focus back on productive legislating … [and] … reducing needless partisanship in the House.” How exactly? “By telling Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries that he will treat him as Mr. McCarthy wished he’d been treated when he was minority leader.” Examples? By including Jeffries to join him when being briefed by the intelligence community, “a courtesy Nancy Pelosi denied him.” Including Jeffries in the formation of the Select Cte on China, i.e., by sharing his list of possible GOP members so he could play a role in shaping it.

It reminds me of the fundamental importance of CIVILITY in any endeavor, not just politics. I happen to have had the honor of handling for 7 years the media relations for an international law firm based in Chicago, Jenner & Block. Still recall as if yesterday how its legendary (now deceased) chair, Jerold Solovy, insisted with Lincoln-esque passion that his partners ALWAYS & UNEQUIVICABLY treat opposing counsel with unabashed RESPECT. “Win or lose in court, we always are mindful of the other side,” Mr. Solovy repeatedly told me. “Professional civility is not an option for us, it’s a fundamental part of being a lawyer.” Isn’t it also a fundamental part of being a human being?

Davd Soul


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