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Climate Corp Kids No One: Another Swamp Boondoggle

The WSJ blistered President Biden for sticking AOC’s $10B “Climate Corps” into Bernie’s $3-4T budget proposal. The editors verily laughed at how “Democrats want to pay young Americans to tell you how to behave … [and in doing so] … expand government into every corner of American life.”

Most galling per the WSJ: “It isn’t enough to lecture Americans about the supposed perils of climate change. Now they also want to tax you to pay your children to spend years lecturing you.”

No, this proposed “Kiddie Corps” is no FDR “Civilian Conservation Corps” from the Great Depression Era. Nor is it a New Deal for anyone but the Swamp & their kids who could use beer money. Yet, yo, WSJ, AOC’s kiddie corp is already here. Just look around, walk or bike through any park or even “nature trail”. America’s youth are amongst the biggest litterers of America’s open spaces. It might be worth the extra tax bill as well as entertaining to see some of them finally bend their little rear ends to pick up their trash.

Davd Soul


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