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Climate King Kerry A Crap Out In China?

Doesn't Climate Czar John Kerry outdo Don Quixote in tilting at windmills? Consider his visit to China where he says he’ll beg the communists to be like good Americans who think they’re saving the world from global warming by trashing their economy.

As the WSJ editorial board noted: “China said Monday that its economy is nearly stalled … but never fear, John Kerry is here. The US climate envoy is in Beijing this week to tell Chinese officials that they need to follow America in putting their economy further at risk by moving away from fossil fuels at a rapid pace. Mr. Kerry said last week that he’ll discuss cuts to methane emissions & coal, among other items. Somehow, we doubt his Chinese counterparts will take Mr. Kerry’s advice, though they might do their diplomatic best to humor him. That’s how they’ve strung the world along on climate for years.”

Of course, China did sign the unenforceable 2015 Paris climate accord, but as the WSJ notes, “that deal gave Beijing a pass to increase its emissions until 2030. And that’s exactly what it’s doing.” Meanwhile, like drunken sailors on leave of their senses, the Biden Administration is trying to ACCELERATE our country’s own fossil fuel crash way before there’s enough EV stations to recharge those cars on (or about to be on) America’s roads. As the editors add, PRC pres Xi has long maintained, “any carbon goals shouldn’t come at the expense of the ‘normal life” of the Chinese people.” As a result, “between 2015 & 2022 China’s greenhouse gas emissions increased nearly 12%, while US emissions declined some 5%.” Net? The tiring old energy game is never over with either these grifters or the grifted.

Davd Soul


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