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Climate Plan Falters, Delusion Gains Steam

WSJ says “America’s Ambitious Climate Plan Is Faltering” for umpteen reasons, but fails to include Swamp’s delusion if not lying about the obvious cost & unrealistic timetable it set for the “Grand Windmill Conversion.”


Sorry, but it’s just so aggravating to listen to yet another MSM article that nails the obvious outcome of government’s failing Climate Change efforts, yet sugar coats if not ignores the core problems making it inevitable. The newspaper’s article, for instance, does rightly tell us “Global emissions are at records, while shift away from fossil fuels slows amid high costs, surging power demand …” And, yet, the same report doubles down on quoting a Green New Deal “expert” saying, “The pace of our response is obviously totally insufficient.” In other words, government & businesses need to spend even more to get more of the same results. BECAUSE there’s simply no end to the money pit they’ve created and are clueless as to really how to go about making a transition feasible in a realistic amount of time.


Oh, the WSJ article does concede, “Trillions of dollars in government and private investment have flowed into technologies to address greenhouse-gas emissions” without gaining ground on global warming. But, it then points the finger by disingenuously saying “consumers balked & busineses fought against new regulations” forcing the unachievable, not that consumers & businesses could plainly see the Green New Deal mandates could not achieve the ballyhooed goals without bankrupting everyone.


Davd Soul


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