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CNN’s Jenning’s “Et Tu, Brutus” Moment

Trump’s “Biblical” verbiage may be biblical at times, but CNN’s Jennings finally put it in worldly context by slamming libs & his own network for lying about the true meaning behind his “bloodbath” & other Holy Moses phraseology.


The Fox News story on CNN’s & other anti-Trump critics focused on how the network’s senior political commentator recently argued “Trump’s rhetoric is being mischaracterized ‘every day’” and is “designed to radicalize” whatever it is Trump is saying at a given moment in time. Latest case in point, of course, was that second assassination attempt & CNN falling over its proverbial tongue in highlighting those saying it was Trump’s “rhetoric” that’s causing him to be “shot at,” rather than the Democrats constantly being quoted on CNN & other MSM outlets shouting how Trump was & is a “dictator” and, therefore, a “threat to Democracy” from “Day One.”


On a CNN panel show, Jennings observed: “I have to say, when I see what Democratic politicians … and commentators … say about Donald Trump … their platform is built on a bunch of lies, frankly, that are designed to radicalize a political base. It makes me wonder … how much do they really care about the violence that you & I both agree is terrible.” As for the repeated slap at Trump’s saying “There’ll be a bloodbath,” Jennings pointed out how Trump was obviously talking about a “financial bloodbath for the auto industry” if Harris’s progressive ideas were enacted, not a French Revolutionary “Reign of Terror” as the Dems & MSM allies keep suggesting. As the old saying goes, “It takes one to know one.”


Davd Soul


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