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CNN’s Murderers’ Row Has To Go?

Have to ask “Is CNN more of a lost cause than stubborn No. 46” as Fox wonders if radicalized network can “move back to the middle with current roster” of hacks who have the audacity to call themselves “journalists”?

By now, we know that President Biden will forever double down on woke “policies” that are helping fuel record gas prices & inflation, not effectively combatting record crime in our streets, and teaching first graders about CRT principles and/or sexual preferences. Why? Because HE IS ALWAYS RIGHT NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES … Exactly. Hopeless. And so it goes with CNN that at one time “tried” to have some balance in its news presentation.

As Fox’s Concha notes, new CNN leader Chris Licht has one hell of a do-over job from the now-discredited Jeff Zucker-era, so long as he keeps Zuck’s “murderers’ row” on the payroll: Don Lemon. Brian Stelter. Jim Acosta. Wolf Blitzer. Anderson Cooper. Sanjay Gupta. Jake Tapper.

Davd Soul


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