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CNN’s Tormented Toobin No Mo’ & Why

Did public masturbator Jeff Toobin leave CNN on his own Id or was he pushed out? Who Cares? Doesn’t Left-leaning Clinton News Network need a climactic “resignation” by more of its biased “news” staff & “creep factor”?

I still remember the days when I carefully watched CNN for the latest news on 9/11, then, the Gulf Wars to right terrorist wrongs. What a difference a decade or two makes. Having long since abandoned Old School Journalism in favor of tabloid nonsense under ex-chief Jeff Zucker, the latest fiasco (on top of the anchor Chris Cuomo firing) was the long-time legal analyst being welcomed back by the Zuck following his bizarre Zoom incident involving the showing of his genitals to New Yorker colleagues. Now, new CEO Chris Licht has promised to stop the CNN Circus approach to news reporting and somehow restore the network’s credibility. Hence, a Fox News source suggests “Jeffrey Toobin was almost certainly pushed out” ala Cuomo.

Good riddance to both. But, can or will Mr. Licht stop at Toobin and/or the “creep factor” both he and Cuomo saddled the once proud network with? Besides, as ratings have tanked precipitously after Trump exited the WH, the network’s “bloated” staff is an easy peasy target for the bean counters. The resumes of “New School Journalism” at headquarters must be getting updated as we write this …

Davd Soul


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