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Coffee Badgered Bosses Bitch Slapped

“Democracy” has come to the workplace with a vengeance as “quiet quitting” is morphing into “coffee badging.” It all adds up to employees bossing the boss around in half-empty offices. Are the over-tolerant companies so naive?


As Fox Business noted, “Coffee badging is when employees [ordered to get back into the office begrudgingly] show up for enough time to have a cup of coffee, show their face & get a ‘badge swipe’ – then go home to do the rest of their work.” Apparently, we’re told by one exec dealing with the problem, that people at all levels of companies & organizations “don’t have time to keep tabs on everyone else’s whereabouts,” so up to “58%” of the workforce is playing the new kind of hooky. But, don’t think the “protesters” are limited to the rank & file. One estimate is that “about two-thirds of [middle] managers (64%) have ‘coffee badged’ themselves, with another 6% who want to try it.” Put another way, less than a third of these ambivalent managers or maybe 30% want to go to the office for the full day.


Suggested “strategies” to counter-act the coffee badging include offering more or instituting new “flex hours”; holding more socializing events; inviting more “feedback” to better understand the nature of the employee protesting. Know what? When it gets to the point that the coffee badgers outnumber the worker bees, Mr. & Ms. Upper Level Management might as well bend over and kiss their company’s a** good-bye. Or, is that an irrational overreaction?


Davd Soul


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