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Coffee Bucks Weather & Star Pricing

Coffee prices tumble as Brazil’s & Indonesia’s drought-inducing weather turns stormy again? One item you can take off “I Gotta Horde List”? Don’t gulp the Joe just yet.

Recall earlier this year how coffee prices were said to be going higher than top shelf bourbon? Good news. As the WSJ notes, coffee’s “future prices have plunged [by as much as 20%] since August, with coffee-growing conditions bouncing back from last season’s drought and frost.” The wet weather means the prospects for a bumper crop and bigger coffee supply is “sending prices down.” Meanwhile, “at the same time, a strong dollar this year has pressured prices of many commodities.”

On the other hand, cautions the WSJ, don’t necessarily expect a sudden drop in the price of [your] morning Joe” since future prices can take a while to trickle into retail prices, “if they do at all.” Message received. When was the last time we saw a REDUCTION in the cost of a Starbucks latte macchiato or caffe mocha?

Davd Soul


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