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Coke & Chips No Way To Treat A Cold?

No Faux Fauci BS here. Let me just share a remarkable pseudo-medical discovery of mine. That is, “A bag of salty, greasy chips & a caffeine-laced bottle of bubbly Coke helped make my doctor & her needle go away.”

The back story: When suffering from debilitating migraines during my youth & in the midst of misdiagnosis by a dozen docs, a bag of kettle chips & a 16 oz bottle of Coca-cola to wash it down were the only things that helped me feel better once the “aura” took hold, then, took off. The doctor-prescribed migraine pills might just as well have been made of sugar. So, imagine my relief when I recently ignored those commercials about this or that virus palliative & turned to the familiar combo to short-circuit the common cold or (gasp, Covid) I was coming down with. Today, I feel like a million.

Should I apply for a patent (assuming the Coke folks will grant me a license to make this breakthrough claim as well as market it like a Fauci or a Pfizer or a Johnson & Johnson)? Will NIH’s NIAID & stand to get “$400 million” in royalties as reported in the WSJ if I cut the fed agency in (or, per the usual IT CUT ITSELFS IN?) BTW: How many Covid booster shots does “retired” Fauci now recommend, even though nobody seems able to give a straight let alone authoritative answer about their effectiveness, perhaps since nobody seems to have had the time to run the usual “rigid” scientific tests they one espoused. If anybody cares as the drug revenue pours in, I’ve had three boosters by my doctor who must own stock in Pfizer. And, it’s hard to believe Tony has the gall (per MSM reports) to be charging up to $100K to speak about his brilliant career that went viral during the latest pandemic, but in which more people passed from deadly viruses he said he was “fighting” than you can shake a bottle of Coke at. Possible Fauci-esque Marketing Motto for MY (most likely) worthless ideas: “Crunch & Cheers before letting anyone give you one in the rear!”

Davd Soul


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