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Colorado Common Sense A Paine in Our Butt

“The Folly of Colorado’s Trump Disqualification” isn’t just that it lacked “Due Process” & will likely be overturned by the US Supreme Court, but that it pretends it’s ok to ban from future ballots the constellation of sore losers who lost an election like Hillary & bitched about it ….


As the WSJ editorial board summarized the first of a kind ruling by 4 Democrats in robes: “The decision by four Colorado judges to bar Donald Trump from the state presidential ballot is an ugly turn that augurs nothing but trouble for American law & democracy. Even if the US Supreme Court overturns the ruling, as it probably will, the Colorado decision will confirm for millions of Americans that Mr. Trump’s opponents will do everything possible to deny them their democratic choice.” Ironically, then, the Never Trumpers are much more likely now to get You Know Who as their next president.


Unfortunately, the editors’ concern about legal chaos becoming a regular ritual in our electoral process is also well founded. For two centuries, COMMON SENSE prevented just this kind of draconian legal interference by partisan lawyers & judges, the Constitution leaving such settling of scores to the electorate, i.e., short of an organized armed rebellion (and, as the WSJ points out, those running riot on Capitol Hill ... egged on by Mr. Trump or not ... were a goofy, rudderless mob). Thomas Paine in his “Common Sense” may have blamed nearly every problem in colonial society on the British, but since the Red Coats were beaten & the US Constitution was adopted, real common sense told Americans that the ballot box is the preferred solution to our spats, no matter how foolishly we act before, during or after a given election.


Davd Soul


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