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Cookie Cutter Radicals Li(c)king Chicago

Henniger’s “The Cookie-Cutter Campus Protests” is especially prescient in predicting, “When Mr. Biden gets to Chicago in August for the Democratic convention, uber-left Mayor Brandon Johnson won’t have the cops’ back …”


That is, the WSJ columnist argues, Chicago’s Johnson will kiss radical butt rather than “the way New York’s Eric Adams did” in confronting the Columbia University radicals, foreign as well as domestic. Put another way, Johnson will not likely mimic the late-great Mayor Richard J. Daley who had his mounted police run the extremist, dung-hurdling Chicago 7 Viet Nam War protesters from the Magnificent Mile downtown into nearby lakefront Grant Park, where some undoubtedly got trampled under hoof, then, defecated upon.


Another of Mr. Henninger’s insights is that today’s “chaos radicals” are aided by such modern communications aka organizing marvels as Instagram messaging. Hence, their supposed ability to wreak havoc & intimidate Chicago’s finest this time around. Dunno. Johnson has at least mouthed the right words about not tolerating violence, even fomented by his fellow rads. And, the WH, DNC & Chicago’s Democratic Machine, not to mention its Democratic Governor, aren’t likely to put on another riotous show for all the nation & world to see yet again. What do they say about sequels in Hollywood? They are never as entertaining as the original? Oh oh. Get the buttered popcorn ready.


Davd Soul


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