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Corrupt Ukraine Heads Roll, Thank Hunter?

Zelensky removed officials in bid to contain $$ scandal BUT, thanks to Joe & Hunter, wasn’t corruption always the 10 Ton Elephant in the room for Congress supporting ongoing financial support in Ukraine’s war vs Russia?

As the WSJ coverage notes: “A raft of top Ukrainian officials have been removed from their posts, as President Volodymyr Zelensky tries to contain corruption scandals that could shake Western [especially US] confidence in his government at a critical moment in the war. The scandals, while small by the standards of previous Ukrainian governments [including perhaps Hunter Biden’s lucrative past dealings in that country despite not speaking a word of the native language] are a blow to Mr. Zelensky, who has garnered praise at home & abroad for his leadership during Russia’s invasion.”

Agreed. “The swift dispatching of allegedly tainted officials underscores the importance of maintaining a clean image before Ukrainian citizens, who are dying in their thousands on the front lines & enduring economic hardship, as well as for Western governments, which are giving Ukraine billions in aid.” Agreed, too, “In the US, Republicans have openly questioned whether the country should continue to fund Ukraine at the same levels as last year.” But, folks here more than ever (especially in Congress) also have to be wondering if (and worrying about) the full extent of the Biden-Ukraine connections, then and even now.

Davd Soul


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