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Cotton-Pickin’ MSM Narratives

Nov 2, 1948 is a day that lives in Chicago Tribune infamy for headlining “Dewey Defeats Truman,” yet Fox reminds “From Hunter Biden to the Wuhan lab-leak theory, 8 times" today's MSM [belatedly] admitted it got a big story wrong.

The Fox News piece’s jumping off point was the Washington Post writer who admitted he was afraid to criticize the Times” in the wake of its woke response to the left’s uproar over the now-famous “Tom Cotton Op-ed” dealing with their proposals to use the military to quell violent uprisings in American cities. Liberal NYT staffers, you'll recall, “erupted … in a coordinated social media display” and intimidated higher ups so much they forced an editor to resign for having the gall to run the GOP senator’s opinion. “Although the hollowness of the internal uproar against [the verbally assaulted editor] was immediately apparent,” the WaPo apologist now noted 2 years later, "we responded with an evenhanded critique of the Times’s flip-flop, not the unapologetic defense of journalism that the situation required … Our posture was one of cowardice & mid-career risk management. With that, we pile one more regret onto a controversy littered with them.”

As Fox continued, the Cotton-picken Cotton fiasco does not stand alone next to the Truman fiasco. The piece goes on to list the most recent canards or poltroon MSM coverages, including those concerning “The Hunter Biden laptop was ‘Russian disinformation’ narrative”; the Wuhan lab-leak theory was ‘fringe’ and a ‘conspiracy theory’ theory; the debunked Russian collusion/Steele dossier ruse; and the “Defaming of Nicholas Sandmann and Covington Catholic.”

Davd Soul


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