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Court Packing Commission Packed With Bad Packers?

The Biden Supreme Court Commission appears to have soured on progressives’ demand to pack the Supreme bench & their usual temper tantrum followed with promises of packing the packers. “When you put no court reformers on your court reform commission, you end up with no court reform,” tweeted The Nation’s Elie Mystal. “This game was fixed from the moment [POTUS] named the commission.” Translated: Mystal must now be appointed along with other radicals to stack the commission in their favor & then you’ll have radical change no matter the folly.

Ironically, the reacting progressives’ quoted in the MSM were basically saying any no court-packing decision means the Supreme Court will “continue to strip away our constitutional rights and undermine our democratic legitimacy as a country.” It’s ironic because that summation to the jury is exactly what the conservatives have been saying about the liberal-dominated court these past few decades and their “agenda-driven” rulings based on a trumped up theory that the Constitution is a “living” document they can reinterpret without enabling legislation.

Not that the court packing advocates will give up. The commission debate will surely continue since no preliminary let alone final report has been drafted. Watch for some commissioners to be followed into the bathroom & harassed until they agree that adding more seats to the High Court with “Democratic” lawmakers’ “input” will help restore the “legitimacy” of the Court supposedly upended by President Trump’s 3 appointees. Still, the leaked commission notes do seem to understand that “the risks of Court expansion are considerable, including it could undermine the very goal of some of its proponents to restore legitimacy.” Do any of these radicals care their brain storm is opposed by a majority of Americans & understand in their Lincolnian wisdom it’s a bold-faced power grab?

Davd Soul


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