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Covid Testing Shortage For Want Of A Horse, Plan

We’ve all seen long lines for folks needing a Covid test being told by providers “we’re out” … Fox asks, the “Federal government has allocated $73B” for those test kits, “so where are they?” Didn’t Joe “Unlike Trump, I Have A Plan” Biden say the buck stops at Biden?

Not that the White House hasn’t made rational excuses for the shortages that apparently won’t, can’t even be dented for weeks to come. Sec of HHS, Xavier Becerra, says 80% of the funds Congress had allocated for testing is already spent while incidents of infection keep surging, having gone up at a 3-fold pace by last week. Mr. Biden did announce a plan last month to belatedly manufacture & distribute 500M rapid antigen testing for free, but he admitted “it’s clearly not enough … if we’d have known, we’d have gone harder, quicker.” Yet, didn’t Dr. Fauci say he & others at the CDC saw the variant surge coming? Whatever.

Meanwhile, Mr. Biden’s vaccination & testing mandates are adding to the shortages. Could it be Mr. Biden was right during the campaign after all? Could it be time to listen to his own advice, get the job done, get a horse if necessary, & spare us the woulda, coulda, shoulda?

Davd Soul


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