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Crazy Elon Demands Crazy Joe End War On Fossil Fuels

As gas pump prices exceed $4/gal & shoot for $5 in DC area, Tesla’s “crazy” Elon Musk called for Joe Biden to finally end his crazy war on fossil fuels that, btw, doesn’t fight global warming any more than a Swamp horse’s tail can fight off flies on a hot August night.

According to AAA, average prices are up at least $1.08 since Mr. Biden took office and he issued a fleet of anti-fossil fuel industry regulations, shut down an energy independent US pipeline while ok’ing one from Russia to Germany, and begged the Russkies & Arabs to give us more gas, when prices began to soar, which they refused to do. Enough! Scolded the electric car company’s CEO aka Elon in a tweet: “Obviously, this [end to Joe’s crazy energy war] would negatively affect Tesla, but sustainable energy solutions cannot react instantaneously to make up for Russian oil & gas exports” which, the US & EU keep buying like water & while Putin takes over Ukraine’s nuclear power plants.

The WSJ editors were no less blunt in their critical “Biden’s Fossil-Fuel Blockade”, in this case, focusing on “his administration still refus(ing) to hold onshore drilling lease sales.” The sad reality is that “Interior has been slow-rolling oil & gas permits since Mr. Biden took office” even though a judge last June struck down his leasing ban on federal land. “Still, Mr. Biden hasn’t held an onshore lease sale and is the only President in at least two decades not to have done so in a given year.” Crazy, man. Crazy.

Davd Soul


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