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Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Now Convict

As Avenatti was sentenced to 4 yrs in can for fleecing Stormy Daniels, recall Wa Po, CNN, Politico & other rags taking Fox’s Tucker Carlson to task for taking ex-presidential candidate & “Creepy Porn Lawyer” to task.

Yes, back in 2016, Mr. Avenatti was constantly on tv as the more gullible reporters breathlessly asked him about his “plans” for the country should he be No. 45 instead of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. A number of journalists saw through the “forever disgraced” lawyer (HIS words at the Thursday sentencing in NY) and, like Tucker who coined the derogative description, unmercifully panned him for his political as well as legal credibility. Not that “adult film star” Stormy is an angel who appears to have outfoxed the fox calling HIM HER B**** in a tweet.

As Fox News coverage recalled: “Avenatti rose to fame as the attorney for Daniels when she was trying to get out of an October 2016 agreement where she received $130K in exchange for her silence regarding her claim she had an affair with former President Trump in 2006” (which, btw, was denied by Trump). Avenatti’s been sued by others since, including in a case in which he was accused of trying to extort Nike. That was too much, even for Tucker, who in early 2020 engaged in a classic beat down of Avenatti with Brit pundit Mark Styne. Concluded Tucker: “He’s not going to be giving the State of the Union address next January.” Deadpanned Styne: “This guy was actually just some sleazy chancer – an undoubted criminal, the most reprehensible kind of guy. If he were really the guy those rubes at CNN took him for he would be laughing at us the same way that awful [ex-FBI acting director] McCabe guy is laughing at us today.”

Davd Soul


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