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Crenshaw Sick Of “Defund FBI” Chanters

“Fund But Verify” er “Investigate” the FBI for its raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, says Rep. Dan Crenshaw who’s “sick & tired” of extremists in BOTH parties thinking the way to counter police abuse is thru their public safety budget.

As Fox News reported, Crenshaw has been called a “RINO” by some in the GOP for dissing what he considers to be a foolish call to defund the FBI in response to its recent actions against No. 45. “This was clearly a political move … clearly [the FBI] could have [simply] asked for the documents if they wanted them so bad,” he agreed with his critics. “Now, that doesn’t mean I want to defund the FBI … [like] … the Democrat Party” wants to defund all big city police forces, at least, within its most radical ranks. Crenshaw said the best way to “restore faith” in the FBI is through “transparency”, which he and others in the GOP hope to provide if they win back control of the House in November’s mid-term elections.

“We’re gonna hold a lot of oversights,” he insisted. “Like [Minority Ldr Kevin McCarthy said, [AG] ‘Merrick Garland, you better get your parking spot ready, better save all your documents,” that will reveal the real reasons behind the raid on Mar-a-Lago. “That’s exactly the right move,” he concluded. Ok. But, what good will THAT do if the Justice Dept’s parking space stays in the hands of you know who?

Davd Soul


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