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Cryin Chuck Schumer Cryin Voter Suppression Wolf In Ga

Sen Chuck Schumer is called out for cryin’ wolf over Georgia’s new election law. In WSJ’s “Who You Calling ‘Dastardly’, Mr. Schumer?”, the editors ridicule his claim rural Lincoln County is “suppressing” its black voters via a plan to consolidate 7 polling sites, even tho 68% of its 4,641 votes went to TRUMP in 2020.

Moreover, noted the paper, “the county’s elections director, Lilvender Bolton, is unlikely to be conspiring to disenfranchise minorities .. because … for one thing, she happens to be black. “The amazing thing about the story is that I’m just after the black people, and I’m not going to let them vote,” Ms. Bolton told the WSJ. “It’s crazy.” According to Ms. Bolton, consolidation has been on the table due to the small number of vote & Covid-19 protocols. “We have several precincts that are around 600 square feet,” making social distancing almost impossible while “we have advance voting, we have absentee ballots & we will also have transportation. If you call, we’ll make arrangements to get you picked up.”

Well, it’s still only a “plan” under consideration, even if plans providing for mail in voting in similar rurals areas of Nebraska & North Dakota have already been in place for some time. Meanwhile, in Mr. “No excuses-absentee voting” Schumer’s own state of New York, “it is a felony to make a false statement in an application for an absentee ballot”. For cryin’ out loud …

Davd Soul


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