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Cual Latino Voters Shifting 2 GOP?

WSJ says Latino voters are shifting toward GOP but “split along economic lines.” Perhaps devout blue collars now see more sense in Red Party. But, are more Latino businesses hit by Joe’s stinko economy also seeing red?

Consider that Latino entrepreneurs, anecdotally speaking that is, are relatively conservative in their outlook & execution of their businesses. Don’t they, like any business owner, hate paying more taxes as Joe is demanding? Don’t they hate being forced to pay higher & higher minimum wages & to spend door-closing amounts on pandemic mandates that Joe can’t let go? Do Latino businesses pray in their Catholic and Evangelical churches on Sundays to encourage MORE ABORTIONS? And, don’t they notice how LOUSY are the blue-run public school systems they send their kids to?

Dunno. The WSJ is simply using the Latino voting records from 2020 and a detailed analysis by Catalist, a Democratic voter-data firm. The Latino trend toward the GOP they see may be easiest to spot and document among the humbler working classes. But, one has to wonder what the wealthier, more tight-lipped white collar Latinos will do when they enter that poll booth in the November mid-term elections.

Davd Soul


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