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Cut Defense Spend As Taiwan Looms?

So a US General warns of PRC possibly invading Taiwan & tells troops to get ready despite all tanks being moth-balled & Dems trying to cut defense spend? Is best defense, then, a hope Chinese are as inept as Russkies?

As the WSJ editorial pointed out in “Telling the Truth About Possible War Over Taiwan,” we still apparently have some time to either prepare properly or shoot ourselves in the foot. Say the editors: “The political & media classes were jolted this weekend by the leak of a private warning by a US general telling his troops to prepare for a possible war with China over Taiwan in two years.” They go on to suggest any such plan might be best timed to the 2024 presidential elections when presumably our two biggest blow-hards, er, leaders distract us by telling stories of one another’s incompetence as Commander in Chief; &, btw, while the rest of the Free World is to still be pinned down in Ukraine by the bumbling Russians. But as it happens, in an internal memo leaked to NBC News, Gen. Michael Minihan told his troops: “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me we will fight in 2025.” The Pentagon wasn’t too pleased at the general’s alarm bell in plain sight of the public, even if some peers agree with his assessment.

As WSJ concludes, “preventing [such a] war for Taiwan requires showing Beijing the US has the means & the will to fight & repel an invasion … Whatever his rhetorical flourishes, Gen. Minihan seems to understand this & what Americans should really worry about is that some of his political & military superiors don’t.” Then, again, maybe don’t count on the British to be of any practical help as it was in WWII as another US general tells UK’s military leaders they are a 2nd rate power now thanks to similar cuts in that nation’s defense spending.

Davd Soul


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