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Czar Harris’ Rehab Hopes ala Last Romanov?

Compare the savvy woman in The Diplomat being groomed to replace a VP resigning cause of corruption & VP Kamala “Giggles” Harris who’s stinko image is being rehabbed. Folks’ll vote for The Diplomat. But a Dingbat?

Jason Chaffetz’ Fox op ed titled “Kamala Harris has an artificial intelligence problem” was blunter still: “Biden’s desperate attempt to rehabilitate Kamala … may backfire.” Ahem. Not “may” backfire, Jason, it “will” backfire since, as you also noted, “Harris [Biden’s new “AI Czar”] is more associated with the word ‘artificial’ than the word ‘intelligence.’”

Besides the perceived lack of savvy or brain power noted by Chaffetz, however, various other critics have focused on the VP’s utter lack of political chops, at least, if her seemingly never-ending series of policy missteps makes her look as bad as her boss, if not more so; consider, too, her terrible approval ratings that are even more terrible than Mr. Biden’s. As black Fox contributor Lawrence recently opined, “Kamala Harris is more incompetent than Biden” if her earlier “work” is considered as Mr. Biden’s “Border Czar” and “Ukraine Czar.” But, back to what’s important and Ms. Harris’ image as “The Giggling VP.” Observed Fox host Greg Gutfeld, Harris sounds like “a woman at the bar on her fourth skinny margarita.” No, not a good look going on 3 years now. It may take a lot of margaritas for J & K to get through to 2024 and before voters give both the hook (as did not so friendly Bolsheviks gave the Last Romanov Czar Nicholas).

Davd Soul


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