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Dangerous Bucket List vs Wonderful Life?

So, blind Michigan judge survives dream of driving race car while Tik Tok influencer follows sky-diving dream to other world after pulling parachute late. Isn’t our shared roller coaster lives dangerous enough w/o such drama?

I’m terribly thankful to have lived through and survived more “close calls” than I wish to count, including mindlessly jaywalking into a speeding police car outside a federal building in Chicago. THAT was adventure enough for a lifetime, thank you. So, maybe I get tired listening to people trying to fulfill “bucket lists” PURPOSELY loaded with troubling sh** like the above reported by Fox News. In the blind man’s case, we’re told he “proved that a visual disability is not enough to keep anyone down.” Really, judge? You couldn’t get the valid point across without tempting fate?

At least, in his case, the 47-yr-old lesson teacher had a co-pilot giving him instructions as he sped for the first time around a trafficless dirt fair grounds track near Flint, Michigan. But, sadly, the Canadian influencer, beauty queen & college philosophy student from Toronto just had to pursue another of her “new adventures” she kept sharing on social media, this time, in jumping out of an airplane by HERSELF after what appears to have been “one day of ground training.” The skydiving school explained in a statement, the 21-yr-old “released a quickly rotating main parachute at a low altitude without the time/altitude required for the reserve parachute to inflate.” Uh-huh. Got it. Why would any novice want to, let alone be allowed to, jump alone in the first place? What a waste of a Wonderful Life?

Davd Soul


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