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Davis Linked To Mayflower, Breaks Our Chains?

Ex-Black Panther Angela “FBI’s Most Wanted” Davis was stunned when told she’s descendant of William Brewster, a Mayflower settler? Is there a more cogent example of American Melting Pot? Marriage for Life?

While appearing on a PBS show specializing in the tracing of folks’ ancestry, campus radical & avowed Communist Davis learned she’s related to William Brewster, whom FamilySearch says was “the only college-educated Pilgrim, who most likely wrote the Mayflower Compact”. He was married, a senior church elder & lived to be 80, dying in 1644. Dunno how Brew & Angie genetically connect; can guess, but does it matter? As one social media writer tweeted: “Think about it from both perspectives. Almost certainly exploitation played its role. But someone who came on the Mayflower has a radical like Angela Davis as a descendant. America is huge. Talk of divorce is senseless in light of this reality.”

True. And, the WORLD is huge too. Yet, signs of the human race’s ONENESS (rather than just differences) are everywhere. In various languages, cultures, histories … Anyone ever heard of the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” or “Bacon’s Law”, a game based on the “six degrees of separation concept, which argues that any two people on Earth are six or fewer acquaintance links apart? So is the linking reality of dehumanizing slavery which, contrary to CRT suggesting it started in America, was one time or another practiced on every continent by every race & perhaps more so today than ever given the crisis we’re seeing in human trafficking & ongoing genocides reported in many places. Time to be like ex-Hidatsa slave Sacagewea who helped guide Lewis & Clark on their “Journey of Discovery”? (Clark, btw, had a black slave whom he refused to liberate.) That is, might we finally celebrate & learn from our common, if tainted, bonds rather exploit them to foster more tainted relationships, thereby (as Lincoln warned) keeping us all in chains?

Davd Soul


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