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Davos Digs CO2 Grave For Coffee

The Davos elites are now “coming for your coffee” as they discuss how coffee production (not just farting cows) contributes to climate change by dumping CO2 into the air? Does the WEF power grab every stop with the baloney?


Note, the Davos video presentation in question also urged its elites to “re-organize the $250B coffee industry” which is ripe for consolidation, presumably under WEF-corporate sponsors. As noted by Fox News, tech journalist Tim Hinchliffe, who posted the clip for wide circulation, interpreted the video to suggest independent coffee growers like Juan Valdez be stripped of their livelihoods by massive corporations: “They’re going after coffee farmers … [who] are to be stripped of their livelihoods in the name of climate justice.”


Author & scientist Gad Saad shared this sarcastic response to the latest Davos proposal: “Pets cause damage to the climate; cars do as well; having children is irresponsible because of overpopulation; gas stoves are evil; and now coffee … [put another way] … If you don’t have any children, commit to becoming celibate; restrict your diet to tofu; use walking as a green way of transportation; reimagine water as coffee and drink it in the morning; and for God’s sake euthanize those ecoterrorist pets!”


Davd Soul


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