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DC Libs’ Rad Tipping Law Burns Staff

How stupid did stupid get when DC voted to discourage if not eliminate eatery “tipping” on rad theory servers deserve at least “minimum wage,” BUT WERE USUALLY MAKING MUCH MORE THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY?


The naivete in too much progressive policy-making served up another s***burger for waiters & waitresses in the nation’s capital was detailed in the WSJ’s “Why No One Goes Out to Eat in DC Anymore.” To make a long story short, the paper noted that “in November 2022 the city’s liberal voter base overwhelmingly approved Initiative 82, a ballot measure to more than triple the base wage for tipped restaurant workers. Tipped workers in most states can be paid a lower base wage, with their tips bringing them up to minimum wage or more – often two to three times the required minimum.” You think? Isn’t THAT why the tipped employees mostly tried to spike the progressives’ ducky but lame idea?


As the WSJ concluded, “It looks like [the tipped] were right.” Not only are way fewer folks still going out to dine in DC because of an 83% spike in car thefts, the few but brave are apparently leaving less in tips after seeing their bills surcharged for the privilege of being served & to make up for the higher wages they must pay. Warns the WSJ: “This is just the start: The tipped wage will continue to rise for the next three years, when it meets the regular minimum wage that is increased every year for inflation. An April survey … found that most [local restaurants] planned to lay off workers” while “half planned to expand into lower-cost states such as Maryland or Virginia.” Then, again, “nearly 1 in 3 planned to close locations” while a crate full of top line restaurants like Pursuit & Brine already have. What a menu for disaster.


Davd Soul


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