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Dear Bill Barr: If Joe’s Hunting Smells Fishy …

Trump’s AG Barr says Hunter Biden probe legit but his actions “can be shameful without being illegal.” With all due respect, alleged bribery or extortion scheme vs Joe & son can’t be justifiable if mounting evidence confirms the worst.

The latest “bombshell” coming to light was Mr. Biden’s “Dear Devon” letter to Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer, who was already clear in congressional testimony about Joe being a key part to the “Biden brand” being peddled. Rep Jim Jordan says it proves “connections” to Hunter dealings with foreign officials & entities. Yet, as Fox News & WSJ have suggested, the finger was already pointed at the entire Biden family, starting with Hunter’s FBI-verified laptop that included a treasure trove of emails & other WhatsApp evidence suggesting something more than mere influence peddling through innocent meet & greets with Joe’s participation. Besides the Archer testimony of “more than 20 meetings or phone conversations” between VP Biden & Hunter’s “business associates”, there’s the apparent 10% pay off to the “big guy” in one particular deal, whom another ex-Hunter associate, Tony Bobulinski, said refers to Joe himself.

Jordan also cites “the now-president’s own recounting of pressuring to have a Ukrainian prosecutor fired [for] investigating” Burisma Holdings, “an energy company for which Hunter sat on the board.” Then, there’s the $5 million allegedly paid to Joe Biden “by an executive of Burisma, according to a confidential FBI source. And, no one has yet explained what the Biden “business” ever did for “clients” in return for millions in payments deposited in dozens of business bank accounts, only to wind up in Biden family members’ accounts. Bill Barr might say this fish may stink but is not necessarily enough to fry it in a criminal proceeding. Tell that, Bill, to the growing list of Trump prosecutors.

Davd Soul


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