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Deaths Pile Up As China’s Fentanyl Rolls In Via Mexico

Texas Gov Abbott’s anti-fentanyl at the border crusade is old but bears repeating as last year “enough fentanyl was seized in Texas to kill 222 million Americans.” Does President Biden care? Not enough, says Gov, to shut down China-Mexico-USA pipeline.

As he has in the past, on Thursday, Mr. Abbott used a press conference with GOP AGs in 11 states to accuse the nation’s current “open border policies” of failing to protect Americans while drawing attention to the success of his own “Operation Lone Star” in shutting down the wave of illegal migrants & illicit drugs pouring across the southern border.

As Fox News has noted, “fentanyl, an opioid for pain treatment, is between 50 & 100 times more potent than morphine.” In 2021, Customs & Border Protection seized 10,586 lbs of the drug at the southern border, “which can be fatal in extremely small amounts.” That is up from 4,558 lbs seized in 2020 and 2,633 lbs seized in 2019. According to Mr. Abbott, the leading cause of death now for those aged between 18-45 is not Covid but fentanyl overdose. “The fentanyl is coming in from China through Mexico into the US” and Mr. Biden is “ignoring” the fentanyl problem, “doing nothing” to stop the smuggling.

Davd Soul


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