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Debating Social Security Solvency & Salvation

So Biden baited GOP in bogus Social Security Sunset charge in SOU to lay foundation for 2024? Besides whimpering denials, can’t GOP counter that Dems are foolishly tanking all entitlements by bankrupting ‘em?

WSJ’s Kim Strassel noted in a column titled, “Biden Takes Aim at DeSantis,” that Joe’s “entitlement scrap with Republicans was a warning – to the one [reform-minded Fla Gov] he fears most” to his re-election hopes. But, even more so, she suggests, it’s a window into one of the Dems’ key strategies in the next presidential campaign, i.e., to scare grandma & grandpa by pretending the GOP has a not-so-secret plan to “sunset” their Social Security benefits. How? By repeatedly making the silly claim … based on one GOP senator’s demand for a periodic accounting from the Swamp’s bureaucrats so that the system STAYS solvent … is really a plan to kill it. Huh? Never mind that no one in DC other than a blind man who can’t read or count would deny Social Security’s trust fund will be depleted as the SSA itself now says will happen around 2035, at least, if some kind of accountability isn’t introduced. And, btw, which Mr. Transparency, er, Biden once demanded.

But, isn’t counter-attacking Joe’s & the Dems’ misleading charge with a disingenuous accusation of their own, i.e., that the Dems basically WANT chaos so THEY can go back to calling all the shots as they recently did? Isn’t that what’s the Dems are really doing by wildly overspending when they controlled Congress and, in so doing, drove up inflation as well as the national debt to $31.7 TRILLION, thereby settings the table for the entire federal budget (including Social Security) to become insolvent sooner rather than later? Isn’t THAT a cynically socialistic way of undercutting any democratic system? As Joe said in SOU, “Just read” the GOP’s call for accountability. Can’t GOP say, “Don’t listen to Joe Blow, look at what he’s doing”? Just askin’. Just suggesting such an open debate.

Davd Soul


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