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Debt Ceiling Indigestion Or Chaos?

While Dems cry “chaos” will ensue if GOP no longer goes along with wild spending spree as nation’s debt ceiling nears, GOP itself is torn on how to cut into $31T deficit. Could a little bit of dis & dat be the answer?

As the WSJ predictably says in a recent piece titled “House GOP Faces Internal Fight on Where to Cut,” the old entitlement bugaboos like Social Security & Medicare outlays are yet again identified as key areas of dispute among the Republican congressmen. So, is military spending. Even the WSJ article doesn’t want to dig deeper into the “other flashpoints” like Welfare & Medicaid. So, what else is new? What’s the GOP plan?

Not that anyone in our hopelessly divided DC Swamp wants to hear it, but mightn’t nibbling away at ALL these programs … rather than proposing politically deep cuts into anyone of them … be the only possible tact to take? What do they say in real estate? “The best deal is the one in which both sides are a bit unhappy with”?

Davd Soul


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