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Dem Election ‘Reforms’ More Like COVID Pig Feast?

COVID election rigging is going mainstream, i.e., if you believe the WSJ’s “Making Every Election Like 2020.”

“If you thought the 2020 election ran like a finely oiled machine, you’ll love what Democrats plan next. The Senate & House reserved their first bills, HR 1 & S 1, for voting changes that would make mail balloting in a plague year seem buttoned up.” In its universe of “universal” mayhem, the Dem plan would bar any state ID or signature verification requirement. Ballot harvesting would become universal, too, and be such a free for all as to make a pig roast seem fun for the pig. Most elections could no longer be called on “election night” because post-marked mailed in ballots would have a 10-day counting grace period.

It gets goofier, as the WSJ says, but details never matter to the progressives, especially those details buried in this massive “reform” legislation. As the Washington Post slogan says, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” And, maybe THAT is exactly the Dem plan. Don’t read. Just shut up & eat these piggish reforms.

Davd Soul


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