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Dem Fanatics Defend Coyotes’ Human Trafficking Scam?

The problem with religious or political fanatics? It’s when they conclude they are morally superior to all others & declare themselves empowered to do whatever unto others whatever their fried brains tell them to do. These folks are not genuine, rational or consistent with God’s Word that we are ALL made in His image & likeness. They can also be stupid.

I give you the many people expressing post-debate outrage on social media, including a Dem leader, described in a Fox News story. Get this: They thought President Trump’s debate reference to “Coyotes” bringing unparented kids across the Southern border (aka human traffickers) were “animals” ala Wiley Coyote of the Warner Bros. cartoon kind. As conservative Charlie Kirk was quick to point out, “these are the people who are going to be running our health care system” should Biden & Harris get elected Nov. 3.

In a recent post, I had related how the late great WaPo columnist Charles Krauthammer had once famously noted how Republicans see Democrats as “stupid.” In today’s world, Mr. Krauthammer, may we also suggest too many Dems are “fanatics” & that the world suffers every time they get their hands on power? Whether it be the travesty of the bankrupting socialized medicine via naïve schemes like Obamacare, unending foreign wars ala Afghanistan, or unending lock downs that make the coronavirus “cure” worse than the “disease”?

Davd Soul


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