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Dem Prosecutors Revolt Over SAFE-T

In rare bipartisan survival mode, top Illinois Dem prosecutors “revolt” with GOP against Chicago Machine progressives whose criminal justice reform called the “Safe-T Act” is more akin to “Gangbanger Liberation Act.”

Of course the Nov. 8 mid-term election nears so it may not be so surprising the suburban Will County States Attorney, James Glasglow, is leading a last ditch charge against his own party that’s insisting on a new “social justice & equity law” that a growing number of folks agree will “tie the hands” of police, prosecutors & judges & wind up “destroying the criminal justice system in Illinois.” Most onerous to Glasgow & the critics of the law rammed through the state legislature by powerful Chicago Dem pols earlier this year are: An end to cash bail, liberalized “flight risk” considerations, lessened electronic monitoring of bailed prisoners, and the curious ban on police evicting “non-violent” home & business trespassers. “I never in my 40-years in this profession, ever thought I’d ever see anything close to this,” Glasgow told Fox News. “The intent of this law is [not equity but] to destroy the criminal justice system in Illinois & I’m not going to let that happen.”

Glasgow is “one of the most high-profile state prosecutors to come out against the SAFE-T Act” & has been joined by 100 of 102 Democratic & Republican state’s attorneys in Illinois who oppose the law. He’s sued Democratic Governor Pritzker & the state’s AG in hopes of preventing the law from going into effect in January. But, the last best hope about this prosecutor revolt may be a voter revolt in a few days.

Davd Soul


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