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Dem Rats Jumping HMS Clinton 4 Good Ship Durham?

WSJ’s “Trump Really Was Spied On” is being challenged by Dems & MSM who had pushed a fake Russian narrative, but lost in hub bub is editors wondering if Special Counsel Durham is now using Clinton ship rats turning states evidence to convene more Grand Juries, get more indictments.

The Special Counsel’s startling conclusion was summarized easily enough by the editors: “The 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign effort to compile dirt on Donald Trump reached into protected White House communications” & even while No. 45 was POTUS. Yet, even more startling, more ominous, is the way Mr. Durham & the editors connect the dots between Clinton operatives, allies & Watergate type ne’er do wells, starting with the already indicted Michael Sussmann, then, a partner with law firm Perkins Coie, who stands accused of lying to the FBI when pretending to be a good citizen uncovering the now debunked, faux ties between Trump & Putin. Not only did Sussmann’s big mouth apparently come back to haunt him, but he omitted the fact he had documented ties to the Clinton campaign.

It gets ugly after that as one “player” after another is alluded to in the latest Durham “findings” & as part of a high tech “operation” that comes down to “spying” on a candidate, then, sitting president. But, the real key, the WSJ editors explain far down in their op ed is that “the disclosures raise troubling questions far beyond the Sussmann indictment. How long did this snooping last and who had access to what was found? Who approved the access to White House data, and who at the FBI and White House knew about it? Were Mrs. Clinton & senior campaign aides personally aware of this data-trolling operation?” If only the rats, er, walls will now talk?

Davd Soul


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