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Democracy 2024 Don’t Mean A Thing If …

President Biden is putting “Democracy” as centerpiece of his anti-Trump re-election campaign? It worked in 2020 from a basement. But Joe’s mind is fading faster & HE’s got a record of anti-Democracy mandates & EOs to duck too.


WSJ's Karl Rove warned No. 46 that kitchen table issues like “inflation & a border crisis” are what’s foremost on most voters’ minds & to serve up the 2020 playbook is a recipe for disappointment. Yet, it was another op ed in the WSJ that likewise wondered how an election strategy centered on “democratic principles” will wash with the obvious fact that Mr. Biden himself is widely accused of anti-democracy tactics to push his radical left agenda, especially on green energy transition & wink-wink approach to the border crisis. Then, there’s the Congressional investigations into the president’s alleged repeatedly lying to the American voters on Russia gate, his participation in his son’s well-documented influence peddling & “collection” of foreign millions in return for virtually zero services, and suspected encouragement of an unconstitutional lawfare at the state as well as federal levels resulting in umpteen prosecutions of his 2024 opponent.


Mr. Trump & his allies, the WSJ editors concluded, will “turn the issue” on Mr. Biden “by accusing him of weaponizing the justice system. “We’ve become a banana republic,” Trump said in a recent Fox News interview. Then, after numerous videos showing Biden’s mind is slipping, how easy it will be to stick yet another finger in his eye that’s off the real ball. That is, if tit-for-tat is all there is to what is already largely one-issue finger pointing campaigns, won’t the spoils go to the candidate smart enough to focus on the real issues & what it means to the voters?


Davd Soul


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