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Dems AGAIN Deflect Housing Crisis To Burbs?

Fox says suburbs are next on Dems’ hit list via affordable housing projects? What's new? Long time on their patronizing agenda UNTIL suburban Dems like NBA’s Steph Curry saw housing project was being proposed in own back yard.

The irony of Mr. Curry’s balking at a proposed housing project for the poor near his ritzy digs as reported in the LA Times can’t be ignored. Not when other pro-stars like LeBron James & the NFL’s Tom Brady have gone public beating the affordable housing drum on “equity” grounds. And, not that affordable housing in gentrifying inner cities isn’t fostering a housing crisis there. But, the concern here (and with many independents who can think for themselves without the help of a progressive reporter, professor or politician) is that this latest Sec. 8 kerfluffle disingenuously is over a band-aid policy at best, aka Subsidize Housing, and disguises the real problem, aka inspiring education & enabling jobs for all.

Yet, here we go again with this debate, this time, in a Fox guest op ed along with a companion report that the ultimate got rocks town on the East Coast, Nantucket Island, is also “struggling with housing crisis.” No kidding. The property values in Nantucket & cost of living for staples on the island has always been notoriously beyond even an upper middle class person’s reach. Meanwhile, argues the op ed author: “The Biden Administration & Democrats in NY, Conn & other states are fighting local zoning laws in order to build hi-rise apt buildings with “affordable” units in tree-lined, single-family neighborhoods … all in the name of equity, meaning everyone can live in a tranquil suburb, whether they’ve earned the money to pay for it or not.” Maybe. But, isn’t the real issue that the Dems have failed to provide their welfare recipients now living in their own blue s*** holes with a decent education & job prospects so they can get to the burbs in their own limo, not a subsidized bus?

Davd Soul


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