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Dems Cut Drug Prices 4 Few, Raise 4 Most

Does WSJ’s “Democrats Vote to Raise Drug Prices” via “Anti-Inflation Act” price controls on Medicare purchases reveal old “long game” strategy: Price controls eventually for everyone, imbedded price increases for all forever?

Could the real end game of imposing price controls on a few “elder drugs” now and in the future really be part of the Dems’ never-ending use of “precedent” to justify an ever-expanding government take-over of the health care industry? Recall how a 51-50 majority in Congress have YET AGAIN RENEWED supposedly temporary Obamacare provisions that, one suspects, they COUNTED ON never going away. But, at what cost, the WSJ also asks. It couldn’t be LOWER DRUG PRICES because by definition, “price controls for [any] Medicare [drug] means higher costs for EVERYONE ELSE.”

Explained the editors: “Democrats who passed the Schumer-Manchin bill on Sunday voted to raise drug costs & health premiums for 220 million privately insured Americans. That isn’t hyperbole. It’s the inevitable economic result of the [new] Medicare drug price controls.” Meanwhile, the new controls cover only “60- drugs by the end of the decade.” If anyone is naïve enough to believe future Congresses won’t EXPAND that list of “losers” to 120 or more as the “winners” bitch, I’ve got an insurance premium notice sent to a 40-yr-old father of 4 that says the family’s bill is going down for once.

Davd Soul


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