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Dems Have Gas Price Amnesia, Big Oil Won’t Forget

Not that folks care that Shell stands to lose $5B in its Russia pullout, but even most Dems had to hold their noses at Dem hearings trying to blame “Big Oil” and “Bad Putin” for insane gas prices when all know Joe’s War on Fossil Fuels sent them soaring “on first day in WH.”

The WSJ was brutal to those congressional hearings in its “Democrats Have Gasoline Price Amnesia,” in which it reminded “only last October they browbeat US CEOs to produce less oil and gas” to reduce the global supply of crude. Why? It had something to do with Joe’s adoption of Bernie’s Green New Deal, a lack of understanding the real costs of converting to alternative energy sources too quickly, and the shear folly of handing Russia, Iran & China a chance to monopolize our own energy needs. Enter Russia’s invasion of Ukraine while the US & EU watched.

Argued the editors: “If progressives truly cared about the climate, they’d support more US oil & gas production, which could replace supply from countries with lower environmental standards and higher emissions. More US natural gas exports would also reduce global consumption of coal, which is much more carbon intensive.” But, no. They doubled down, insisted on less fuel, higher prices. Big oil and Putin were watching the political theater … and won’t forget.

Davd Soul


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