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Dems’ Hurdle Old “F” Bomb at St. Trump

Harris ads re-started lobbing the “fascist” meme at Trump, but “the public isn’t buying this Democrat” slur, largely because he was the staunchest anti-regulatory advocate when POTUS & it’s the Dems who quack, waddle & fly like 1930's national socialists.


Besides, says the WSJ’s editorial board, American’s know Germany’s mustachioed guy himself couldn’t have dodged the US Constitution’s Checks & Balances hurdles carefully thrown in any individual wanna-be dictator’s way. Yet: “No doubt it was inevitable. As Election Day nears, and the progressive panic over Donald Trump escalates, Democrats are closing their campaign with a favorite theme – Mr. Trump is a threat to the Constitution, to democracy itself, and is even a “fascist.” While Trump may have patented the concept of “political bluster” & perfected the use of “hyperbole,” the editors wonder, “Are tens of millions of Americans really falling for a fascist takeover?”


Of course not. But, Americans ARE increasingly receptive to Trump’s warnings about a progressive Big Government takeover of their lives (think Green New Deal mandates) & wary of its law fare against its opponents, promises to makeover the Constitution’s electoral college provision by fiat, and vows to stack the Supreme Court until it rubber stamps their agenda, regardless of the Rule of Law. As the WSJ says, “Fascism historically was ‘national socialism’ – gov’t control over much of the economy. By that definition, Democrats today are the national socialists – using regulation, mandates, law enforcement, and trillions of dollars in subsidies to coerce Americans to follow their dictates on climate & culture.” Meanwhile, “Mr. Trump was a deregulator in his first term & promises to be more so in a second term.” Folks, then, are noting, “Look who’s calling the kettle fascist.”


Davd Soul


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