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Dems’ HW&M Chair Wants MORE Taxes?

Dems' House Way & Means Chr suggested still more corporate & individual tax hikes were in store next yr if his party maintains its power after mid-terms, thereby giving new meaning to “endless government greed.”

Never mind that trillions after Joe’s election were spent, much arguably unnecessarily, on pandemic stimulus that actually helped fuel a runaway inflation … or, that billions in tax hikes were embedded to pay for a lesser, yet still pork-filled, version of “Build Back Better” in the party’s so-called “Anti-Inflation Act,” which, btw, included $80 billion for the IRS so it can launch many more citizen audits. But, so much for the candidate Biden’s promise not to raise taxes on anyone earning over $200,000.

Forget the political suicide normally associated with raising taxes as part of an election strategy, hence, that earlier Biden promise. HW&M Chairman Richard Neal had the audacity to tell Bloomberg News about the “need” to raise taxes still more. Fox News reminds that the Joint Cte on Taxation has already concluded that the 2022 tax hikes are going to affect even some folks making less than $10,000 per year and, starting in 2023, taxes would increase by $16.7 billion for those earning less than $200,000. Then, there’s the reality that corporations paying more in taxes will, as almost always, pass the increased “cost of doing business” onto you know who …

Davd Soul


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