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Dems Shoot Selves In Foot w/Competing Policies

Dems flail at Uvalde tragedy & other crises with contradictory policies making them worse? Biden now wants to raise gun age to 21 after Pelosi wanted voting age lowered to 16? Wonder why few take em seriously?

Consider just a sampling of the mindboggling if not frightening laundry list of progressive foolishness now worsening old problems if not creating new ones: They nationalize the student loan program, then, want to stick taxpayers with insane student debts triggered by their sucker loans; they gain the WH & use it’s resident’s pen & phone to start a War on Fossil Fuels, then, wonder why gas pump prices soar to record levels; President Biden draws a meaningless Obama like “line in the sand” with Russia’s Putin who naturally ignores his supposedly wondrous “diplomacy” and invades Ukraine; the entire Swamp & its MSM as well as medical profession allies demanded a nation-wide lockdown, then, insist it was Trump’s fault for every bad thing that resulted from it, ignoring that even more died under THEIR watch and, btw, it was No. 45’s “Operation Warp Speed” that got the Covid vaccines needed in record time so’s to save millions of rear ends.

It goes on. Probably because the Dems have been largely taken over by the many radical elements, which by their very nature are in COMPETITION WITH ONE ANOTHER, thereby causing these goofy policy inconsistencies. Like I said, no wonder so many don’t take them seriously any more.

Davd Soul


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