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DEMS Smoking Blacks Not Supremes

Henninger’s “Scapegoating the Supreme Court” may be old news cause it relates how Dems have CONTROLLED LBJ’s “Great Society” for 60 yrs only to run big city schools, neighborhoods & police into the ground. BUT it’s a needed reminder how they’ll NEVER LEARN.

Fast forward, the WSJ columnist suggests, to how “Democrats en masse are on the attack against the Roberts court” because a majority of Justices exposed how their never-ending Great Society programs, like affirmative action, have done little to better black Americans’ lives. Rather than accepting the progressive mantra that the underlying cause is “systemic racism,” Henninger argues the real culprit is ”political” hypocrisy. Not that the “War on Poverty” wasn’t a noble idea (albeit a clever way to keep blacks voting for Dems), he says, but “it’s hard to overstate the monopoly control that career Democrats asserted over the public policies affecting the lives of black Americans.”

SIXTY YEARS. And, what can the Dems show for it other than finger pointing at six Justices who know the history & can read the Census Bureau statistics? They insisted on OWNING the problem as well as the billions of dollars & unchallenged power than came with it … but cannot accept their own singular responsibility for the fiasco they’ve “managed.” Know what? Another truth is that the Dems Machine Politicians controlled many of the nation’s crappy inner cities going back to WWII and THAT is why LBJ & progressives doubled down circa 1964, only to give their black admirers still more crappy inner cities that literally go up in smoke every few years. Jeez, Dan. Jeez.

Davd Soul


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